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Posts Tagged ‘rent’

new listing- condo #230, 920-156 st – terwillegar

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

DSC_1526_5228 DSC_1528_7282 DSC_1563_3785 DSC_1566_6239 DSC_1568_3530 DSC_1569_4159 DSC_1615_4360DSC_1572_6258 DSC_1576_9618

2 bedrooms 2full baths over 1000 sq ft unit on the second level. immaculate condition.

only 229,900

stop paying somebodies mortgage! pay yourself!

Market begins seasonal cool off a little later this year

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

The Edmonton area has been blessed with a beautiful fall and the local housing market has followed the weather trend. The fall months always tend to be a quieter market, but this year sales remained strong a little longer than usual. Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) total residential average prices remain stable (up 8.5% over last year) thanks in part to an incline in sales of higher priced houses.

The seasonal slide is reflected in the dip in single family sales, down 12% from last month at 850 sold (918 adjusted).  While still up almost 8% from last year, single family prices dipped down from $436,870 in September to $426,848 in October, a difference of 2.3%.

With an average price of $260,491, condos actually gained a bit of momentum going up 2.6% month-over-month and 9.75% year-over-year. Duplex/row house prices were also up month-over-month at $352,907.

In October, 2,049 residential properties were listed which is up 18.6% from last year. 1,412 were reported sold (1,525 adjusted) in the Edmonton CMA. Total days on market for all residential properties were down 3 days over October of 2013.

The demand for single family homes in the $350,000 to $400,000 remains high with 185 properties selling in this range in October. However, inventory is tight at the $350,000 to $400,000 mark with only 227 available properties available as of October 31. We have seen a lot of action this year in houses under $400,000. People may need to adjust their expectations when looking at houses in this range. There is a big demand for properties at this price point and with a light inventory, you may need to wait a bit longer to find the right house for you.

Another “hot” market is houses priced over a million dollars. We have seen this trend throughout 2014. Almost 2% of the single family dwellings sold last month were over a million dollars. Compare that to last October where less than one quarter of 1% of the sales were over a million. 125 million dollar plus homes have sold in 2014 compared to 94 at this same time last year and 75 in 2012.

September Housing prices up 5.4% from last year!

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

The all-residential average price for the first three quarters of the year in the Edmonton CMA is $350,741 as compared to $340,090 in 2012. In September, the all-residential average was $352,057, up 5.4% from a year ago and inching up from $351,455 in the previous month.

Year-over-year sales were also up 19.4% with 1,466 (adjusted, 1,357 actual) all-residential sales in September. There were 13,691 residential sales in the Edmonton CMA in the first three quarters of 2013 as compared to just 12,876 sales at the same time last year.

The market is very active with many properties attracting multiple offers.The increases in the Alberta population are driving the market and because of the steady sales there are inventory shortages at the lower price ranges.

There were 926 (adjusted, actual 857) single-family detached sales in September at an average price of $408,642 (up 3.9% Y/Y) as compared to 773 sales a year ago at an average price of $393,374. Condos sold on average in September for $243,655 (438 adjusted sales, 406 actual), up from $224,330 last September (up 8.6%). Duplex/row house sales were up with 79 (adjusted ,73 actual) sales, valued on average at $338,250 ($316,973 last year).

Average sales prices are the highest they have been in five years,Combined with the highest sales numbers since 2012, we have year-to-date residential sales values totaling $4.8 million. Strong market fundamentals, increasing population and the persistence of low mortgage rates have convinced many buyers that an investment in real estate is secure.

The September sales-to-listing ratio of 65% was the result of 2,089 residential listings and 1,357 residential sales. The inventory of available homes on the Edmonton MLS® System was down from 5,557 units in August to 5,111 units in September. It took 54 days on average (up one) to sell a home in the Edmonton area. Irina Mierzewski has access to all the latest market data and effective marketing tools and is the best source of real estate advice for both buyers and sellers.

MLS® System Activity (for all-residential sales in Edmonton CMA1)

September 2013 M/M % Change Y/Y % Change
SFD2 average3 selling price – month $408,642 -1.90% 3.90%
SFD median4 selling price – month $380,000 0.00% 3.50%
Condominium average selling price $243,655 -0.40% 8.60%
Condominium median selling price $226,000 -1.70% 3.80%
All-residential5 average selling price $352,057 0.20% 5.40%
All-residential median selling price $336,000 1.80% 5.30%
# residential listings this month 2,089 -9.10% 1.70%
# residential sales this month (actual) 1,357 -8.90% 10.50%
# residential inventory at month end 5,111 -8.00% -9.80%
# Total6 MLS® System sales this month 1,882 -5.60% 9.42%
$ Value Total residential sales this month $562 million -6.50% 14.83%
$ Value of total MLS® System sales – month $657 million -7.80% 14.30%
$ Value of total MLS® System sales – YTD $6.463 billion 11.90% 7.71%

1 Census Metropolitan Area (Edmonton and municipalities in the four surrounding counties)
2 Single Family Dwelling
3 Average: The total value of sales in a category divided by the number of properties sold
4 Median: The middle figure in an ordered list of all sales prices
5 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses
6 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales

3 Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual changes for a particular property, which may vary from house to house and area to area. Prior period sales figures have been adjusted to include late reported sales and cancellations and therefore reflect a more accurate view of the period than previously reported at month end. The RAE trading area includes communities beyond the CMA (Census Metropolitan Area) and therefore average and median prices may include sold properties outside the CMA. For information on a specific area, contact Irina Mierzewski – your local REALTOR®

Calgary top real estate investment market in Canada, Edmonton ranked second

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Nothing Scary in Halloween Housing Market

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

Edmonton, November 2, 2012: Even with ghosts, ghouls, and goblins running through the streets, homeowners could find refuge in the local housing market. The REALTORS® Association of Edmonton reports that housing prices in October were up compared to a year ago and are the highest in October in the past five years. The all residential average price for the Edmonton Multiple Listing Service® was up 0.6% at $324,924 when compared to October 2011. The average price of a single family detached home was $372,061 up 2.1% over a year ago. Condos were priced on average at $234,177 which was an uptick of 1.8% from a month ago and up 5.4% from last October. Duplex/row house prices were down 1.1% Y/Y at $305,777.

Homesellers are pleased that their property may be worth more than it has been in the past five years but homebuyers can plan their financing in an environment of small, steady price increases. The housing market is be-deviled in other centres but here in Edmonton both buyers and sellers find it heavenly. The pace of sales is steady, prices increase year-over-year, there is sufficient inventory and average days-on-market is reasonable.

REALTORS® listed an average of 72 homes each day in October and sold an average of 44 per day. There were a total of 2,228 residential listings in October, with sales of 1,375 properties. As a result of lower listings and larger sales volumes, the month end residential inventory was down (-7.9%) from last month with 6,406 properties available. Days-on-market was an average of 61 and the sales to listing ratio was 62%. There was $447 million worth of residential property, $53 million of rural and $23 million of commercial property sold through the Edmonton MLS® in October.

Life happens to us all, unless you are an investor, the best time to buy or sell your home is when your lifestyle changes. No matter what your personal circumstances, Irina Mierzewski – your REALTOR® is here when life happens.

Путь к продаже вашего дома лежит через кухню

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Путь к продаже вашего дома лежит через Кухню

понимают, что путь к сердцу потенциального покупателя лежит через кухню. За многие
годы, кухня стала тем самым местом, где за большим столом собирается вся семья,
где готовится завтраки обеды и ужины, где собираются друзья и конечно же где
дети делают свое домашнее задание. Таким
образом,  одним из самых многомерных и
функциональных комнат в доме является кухня.

Её ремонт и привлекает внимание многих
покупателей, которые хотят увеличить стоимость перепродажи  дома в будущем, или просто улучшить свои
условия и уют в доме.

надо сказать, что продавцы чаще не хотят связывать себя в дополнительным
расходом и вложением времени перед продажей дома. Согласгл проведенным
исследованиям, ремонт кухни приносит 75-100% возврата на вложенные деньги, т.е.
второй после ремонта ванной.

К счастью. Ремонт дома не такой уж сложный проект как некоторым может показаться.
С увеличением центров «сделай сам» можно экономически эффективным способом
увеличить стоимость вашего дома без высоких цен на квалифицированного

Вот несколько шагов, которые вы можете предпринять.

По, кухонные шкафы являются одной из лучших инвестиций, которые можно
сделать в доме. Для многих покупателей недвижимости первые впечатления происходят
на кухне. Потратив чуть больше на качественныекухонные шкафы и  ручки для них, можно ожидать, что ваши
инвестиции в вознаградят вас сторицей.

Покрасив стены и шкафы на кухне, в случае еслы вы не собираетесь их менять,
можно изменить внешний вид кухни с минимальными затратами и сделать комнату
более просторной.

Светильники и люстры часто являются одними из последних вариантов улучшения на
кухне, но часто про них забывают, когда кухня отремонтирована. За счет
добавления новых источников света на кухне, можно объединить архитектурный и
декоративный баланс в комнате. Хорошим освещением можно выделить некоторые
особенности кухни, такие как Backsplash или рабочую стенку сделаную камнем или
мозаикой, чтобы создать более яркий и привлекательный вид.

Каждой кухне нужна раковина и смеситель. Но когда речь идет о перепродаже дома,
только некоторые из  продавцов  видят ценность в замене раковины. Кран и
раковина является одним из наиболее важных особенностей кухни. Когда покупатели
входят в комнату, они, естественно тяготеют к раковине и проверяют краны.Это
дает чувство домашнего очага, особенно потому, что они тратят большую часть
своего времени на кухне.

И напоследок, статистика по Эдмонтону и
прилежащих районах:

В Апреле 2012 года вышло на рынок 3253
резидентских листинга. Из них продалось 1713. Это значит, что продается 53%

Среднее количество дней на маркете
составило 50.

С акрейджами и вне городскими продажами
чуть сложнее – выставлено было 648 участков с домами, продалось только 165 –
т.е. 25%. Среднее количество дней составило 82.

Самыми популярными районами в Эдмонтоне
стали северо-центральный со 153 продажами и ср ценой $347,645, Юго-восток
города – 134  продажи со ср ценой $357,040
и юго-западный со 117 продажами и ср ценой $521,778

На конец апреля активных листингов по
эдмонтону и районам – 7,334. Если в среднем продается с среднем 1800 домов в
месяц, то инвентории у нас сейчас предостаточно на следущие 4 месяца.
Покупатели, у вас все еще есть большой выбор!

Если у вас есть вопросы – пишите,
звоните, я всегда отвечу.
Удачных сделок!!!

Ирина Миерзевски



Realty Executives Polaris

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Russian Edmonton Real Estate, Realty Executives Polaris
4107 99 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 3N4
Tel: 780-991-9764 Cell: 780-991-9764 Fax: 1855-930-4663
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