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Archive for May, 2012

Mortgage Terms

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

Amortization –  The number of years it takes    to repay the entire amount of the mortgage.

Appraisal Value –  An estimate of a property’s    market value by a professional Appraiser; used by lenders in determining    the amount of the mortgage.

Debt Service Ratio –  The percentage of a    borrower’s income that can be used for housing costs.

Gross Debt Service (ADS) Ratio –  Gross debt    service divided by household income. A rule of thumb is that ADS should    not exceed 30%. It is also referred to as PIT (Principal, Interest and    Taxes) over income. Sometimes energy costs are added to the formula, producing    BITE, which moves the rule of thumb ADS to 32%.

Total Debt Service (ADS) Ratio –  is the    maximum percentage of a borrower’s income that a lender will consider for    all debt repayment (other loans and credit cards, etc.) including a mortgage.

Equity –  The difference between the price    for which a property can be sold and the mortgage(s) on the property. Equity    is the owner’s stake in the property.

Foreclosure –  A legal process by which the    lender takes possession and ownership of a property when the borrower doesn’t    meet the mortgage obligations.

Mortgage –  A contract between a borrower    and a lender. The borrower pledges a property as security to guarantee    repayment of the mortgage debt. Lenders consider both the property (security)    and the financial worth of the borrower (covenant) in deciding on a mortgage    loan.

Assumable Mortgage –  A mortgage held on      a property by the seller that can be taken over by the buyer, who then      accepts responsibility for making the mortgage payments.

Conventional Mortgage –  A mortgage loan      which is 75 per cent or less of the loan-to-value ratio; and does not      require insurance by CMHC or other private insurer.

First Mortgage –  The first security registered      on a property. Additional mortgages secured against the property are “secondary” to      the first mortgage.

High-ratio Mortgage –  A mortgage that      exceeds 75 percent of the loan-to-value ratio; must be insured by either      the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) or a private insurer      to protect the lender against default by the borrower who has less equity      invested in the property.

Open Mortgage –  A mortgage that can be      prepaid or renegotiated at any time and in any amount, without penalty.

Pre-Approved Mortgage –  Tentatively approved      by a financial institution for a specified amount, interest rate and      monthly payment.

Second Mortgage –  A second financing arrangement,      in addition to the first mortgage, also secured by the property. Second      mortgages are usually issued at a higher interest rate and for a shorter      term than the first mortgage.

Term Mortgage –  A non-amortizing mortgage      under which the principal is paid in its entirety upon the maturity date.      Sometimes called a straight loan.

Variable-rate Mortgage –  A mortgage for      which payments are fixed, but whose interest rate changes in relationship      to fluctuating market interest rates. If mortgage rates go up, a larger      portion of the payment goes to interest. If rates go down, a larger portion      of the payment is applied to the principal.

Vendor Take-Back Mortgage –  When sellers      use their equity in a property to provide some or all of the mortgage      financing in order to sell the property.

Mortgage Life Insurance –  Insurance that    pays off the mortgage debt should the insured borrower die.

Mortgage Payment –  The regular installments    made towards paying back the principal and interest on a mortgage.

Mortgagee –  The person or financial institution    lending the money, secured by a mortgage.

Mortgagor –  The property owner borrowing    the money, secured by a mortgage.

Mortgage Broker –  A person or company having    contacts with financial institutions or individuals wishing to invest in    mortgages. The mortgagor pays the broker a fee for arranging the mortgage.    Appraisal and legal services may or may not be included in the fee.

Mortgage Insurer –  In Canada, high-ratio    mortgages (those representing greater than 75% of the property value) must    be insured against default by either CMHC or private insurers. The borrower    must arrange and pay for the insurance, which protects the lender against    default.

Mortgage Prepayment Penalty –  Is a fee paid    by the borrower to the lender in exchange for being permitted to break    a contract (a mortgage agreement); usually three months’ interest, but    it can be a higher or it can be the equivalent of the loss of interest    to the lender.

Portability –  A mortgage feature that allows    borrowers to take their mortgage with them without penalty when they sell    their present home and buy another one.

Prepayment Clause –  A clause inserted in    a mortgage, which gives the mortgagor the privilege of paying all or part    of the mortgage debt in advance of the maturity date.

Principal –  The mortgage amount initially    borrowed or the portion still owing on the mortgage. Interest is calculated    on the principal amount.

Rate –  (Interest) The return the lender receives    for advancing the mortgage funds required by the borrower to purchase a    property.

Refinancing –  The process of obtaining a    new mortgage, usually at a lower interest rate, to replace the existing    mortgage.

Secondary Financing –  Second, third, fourth,    etc. mortgages, secured by a property “behind” the first mortgage.

Term –  The actual life of a mortgage contract, from    six months to ten years, at the end of which the mortgage becomes due    and payable unless the lender renews the mortgage for another term (See    Amortization).

Weekly Payments –  Mortgage payments made    weekly or 52 times per year.

Sell with a REALTOR®, or go it alone?

Thursday, May 17th, 2012


In the same way that many people decide not to fix their own cars or do their own dentistry, it’s wise to enlist a professional when selling your most valuable asset. Real estate transactions are complex, time consuming and involve a lot of legal documentation. Finding your new home and changing your life is hard enough! Irina Mierzewski is expertly trained and highly motivated to get you the most for your home.

Wait for the market to improve?

Thursday, May 17th, 2012

If you’re selling one home and buying another, you don’t really have to worry about playing the market.

If you sell your existing home for a ‘low’ price, you’re probably also buying at a low price.

If you are upgrading to a larger home, this actually works to your advantage. Imagine when your bigger home is on the upswing.

Buy first or sell first? The eternal question

Thursday, May 17th, 2012


Many people are able to time their sale and purchase so they happen on the same “closing date.” Buyers can make their offer “conditional’ on the sale of their existing home, to make sure they’re not left paying for the upkeep of two homes. When selling, you can try to extend the ‘closing period” to give yourself more time to find your next home. Irina is very skilled at this sort of negotiation and can make your transitional life     a lot easier.


Путь к продаже вашего дома лежит через кухню

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Путь к продаже вашего дома лежит через Кухню

понимают, что путь к сердцу потенциального покупателя лежит через кухню. За многие
годы, кухня стала тем самым местом, где за большим столом собирается вся семья,
где готовится завтраки обеды и ужины, где собираются друзья и конечно же где
дети делают свое домашнее задание. Таким
образом,  одним из самых многомерных и
функциональных комнат в доме является кухня.

Её ремонт и привлекает внимание многих
покупателей, которые хотят увеличить стоимость перепродажи  дома в будущем, или просто улучшить свои
условия и уют в доме.

надо сказать, что продавцы чаще не хотят связывать себя в дополнительным
расходом и вложением времени перед продажей дома. Согласгл проведенным
исследованиям, ремонт кухни приносит 75-100% возврата на вложенные деньги, т.е.
второй после ремонта ванной.

К счастью. Ремонт дома не такой уж сложный проект как некоторым может показаться.
С увеличением центров «сделай сам» можно экономически эффективным способом
увеличить стоимость вашего дома без высоких цен на квалифицированного

Вот несколько шагов, которые вы можете предпринять.

По, кухонные шкафы являются одной из лучших инвестиций, которые можно
сделать в доме. Для многих покупателей недвижимости первые впечатления происходят
на кухне. Потратив чуть больше на качественныекухонные шкафы и  ручки для них, можно ожидать, что ваши
инвестиции в вознаградят вас сторицей.

Покрасив стены и шкафы на кухне, в случае еслы вы не собираетесь их менять,
можно изменить внешний вид кухни с минимальными затратами и сделать комнату
более просторной.

Светильники и люстры часто являются одними из последних вариантов улучшения на
кухне, но часто про них забывают, когда кухня отремонтирована. За счет
добавления новых источников света на кухне, можно объединить архитектурный и
декоративный баланс в комнате. Хорошим освещением можно выделить некоторые
особенности кухни, такие как Backsplash или рабочую стенку сделаную камнем или
мозаикой, чтобы создать более яркий и привлекательный вид.

Каждой кухне нужна раковина и смеситель. Но когда речь идет о перепродаже дома,
только некоторые из  продавцов  видят ценность в замене раковины. Кран и
раковина является одним из наиболее важных особенностей кухни. Когда покупатели
входят в комнату, они, естественно тяготеют к раковине и проверяют краны.Это
дает чувство домашнего очага, особенно потому, что они тратят большую часть
своего времени на кухне.

И напоследок, статистика по Эдмонтону и
прилежащих районах:

В Апреле 2012 года вышло на рынок 3253
резидентских листинга. Из них продалось 1713. Это значит, что продается 53%

Среднее количество дней на маркете
составило 50.

С акрейджами и вне городскими продажами
чуть сложнее – выставлено было 648 участков с домами, продалось только 165 –
т.е. 25%. Среднее количество дней составило 82.

Самыми популярными районами в Эдмонтоне
стали северо-центральный со 153 продажами и ср ценой $347,645, Юго-восток
города – 134  продажи со ср ценой $357,040
и юго-западный со 117 продажами и ср ценой $521,778

На конец апреля активных листингов по
эдмонтону и районам – 7,334. Если в среднем продается с среднем 1800 домов в
месяц, то инвентории у нас сейчас предостаточно на следущие 4 месяца.
Покупатели, у вас все еще есть большой выбор!

Если у вас есть вопросы – пишите,
звоните, я всегда отвечу.
Удачных сделок!!!

Ирина Миерзевски



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News release: May 2012

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Edmonton, May 2, 2012: According to figures released by the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton, there is a sea of calm in the local real estate market. Residential sales through the Multiple Listing Service® System in April were up 5.3% from the same month last year but below average for April. There were 1,713 residential sales in April as compared to the 5-year average of 1,940 sales. There were 7,334 residential properties available in inventory at the end of April which is up 7% from last month.

“There is plenty of choice in the market at this time,” said REALTORS® Association of Edmonton President Doug Singleton. “Single family prices have risen slightly each month this year which is encouraging sellers to list their property.” He urged home buyers to remain calm, to confirm their financing arrangements and to study the market with their REALTOR®. “Of course, when your REALTOR® shows you the ideal home you should move decisively to make an offer and begin the home buying process in case another buyer is also interested.”

In April, the average1 residential price was up just 0.8% from last month at $337,363. The average price of a single family detached home was $382,384, up 0.9% from the previous month. The average price of a condominium in April was $235,036, up 1.3% from March. Duplex and rowhouse properties sold on average for $329,025; a 3.6% rise from the previous month. Residential prices were also up when compared to a year ago:

  • Single family up 0.4%
  • Condominium up 1.1%
  • Duplex/Row house up 8.9%
  • All residential up 2.99%

The average days-on-market in April was 50 days (down three from March) and the sales-to-listing ratio was 53% (up 2% from last month); both indicators reflecting increased market activity. REALTORS® participated in the sale of $578 million worth of residential property last month and total MLS® activity for the year is $1.5 billion (up 15% from 2011 YTD).

“If a change in your lifestyle requires a change of address, then this a great market to be in,” said Singleton. “Choice of neighbourhoods, variety of housing types and stable pricing may not be available in every market but they are features here in the Edmonton area.”


Activity (for   all residential sales on Edmonton MLS® System)

April 2012 M/M
% change
% change
SFD2 average selling price – month $382,384 0.90% 0.40%
SFD median3 selling price $365,000 1.40% 2.20%
Condominium average selling price $235,036 1.30% 1.10%
Condominium median selling price $223,250 1.50% 1.50%
All-residential4 average selling price $337,363 0.80% 2.99%
All-residential median selling price $327,000 1.60% 3.80%
# residential listings this month 3,253 -0.50% 1.90%
# residential sales this month 1,713 1.40% 5.30%
# residential inventory at month end 7,334 7.10% -4.90%
# Total5 MLS® System sales this month 1,926 1.80% 6.20%
$ Value residential sales this month $578 Million 12.50% 8.40%
$ Value of total MLS® System sales – month $667 Million 24.70% 0.20%
$ Value of total MLS® System sales – YTD $2.2 Billion 49.40% 21.70%

2 Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses
3 Single Family Dwelling
4 The middle figure in a list of all sales prices
5 Includes residential, rural and commercial sales

1 Average prices indicate market trends only. They do not reflect actual changes for a particular property, which may vary from house to house and area to area. Prior period figures have been adjusted to include late reported sales and cancellations and therefore reflect a more accurate view of the period than previously reported at month end.

2nd Annual National ‘Fill A Truck’ Event to be Held May 19

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Clothesline® program holding clothing and electronics collection event with goal of collecting 1 million kilograms in donations

TORONTO, ONTARIO (April 24, 2012) – The days are longer, the grass is greener—and spring cleaning season is upon us!  This spring, support the Clothesline® program by donating your gently used clothing and small electronics to help reach a goal of collecting one million kilograms of donated items across Canada.   The second annual ‘Fill A Truck’ event will take place nationwide in 70 communities on Saturday, May 19 and every donation qualifies you to win.  Visit to find an event near you and for full contest rules and regulations.  All net proceeds raised by the Clothesline® program directly support the Canadian Diabetes Association and their leading-edge diabetes research, education and advocacy efforts.

Donating to Clothesline® not only helps the more than nine million Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes, but also helps our environment by diverting materials that may otherwise end up in landfills.

If unable to donate on May 19, donors can always schedule a free pick-up right from their front door by visiting or by calling the toll-free number 1-800-505-5525.  Donors can also drop off a sealed clothing and cloth-based donation at any one of our 1,875 red Clothesline® donation bins located across Canada (visit to locate your nearest donation bin).  Clothesline® happily accepts reusable clothing, all cloth-based items, shoes, boots, books, jewelry, toys, cell phones, cameras, laptops and much more (all electronic items should be sealed in a separate plastic bag).

“We are very proud to celebrate more than 27 years of service in communities across Canada as well as supporting the millions of Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes,” says Janelle Robertson, Vice President, Clothesline®.

About Clothesline®
Each year, Clothesline® diverts more than 46 million kilograms of clothing and household items from our landfills. This translates into a savings of 840 million kWh of energy and reduces our donors’ carbon footprint by 115 million kilograms of CO2 emissions. This energy savings is equivalent to planting 8.2 million trees!

About the Canadian Diabetes Association
The Canadian Diabetes Association is a registered charitable organization, leading the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while we work to find a cure. Our professional staff and more than 20,000 volunteers provide education and services to help people in their daily fight against the disease, advocate on behalf of people with diabetes for the opportunity to achieve their highest quality of life, and break ground towards a cure. Please visit, join us on, follow us on Twitter @DiabetesAssoc, or call 1-800-BANTING (226-8464).


Russian Edmonton Real Estate, Realty Executives Polaris
4107 99 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 3N4
Tel: 780-991-9764 Cell: 780-991-9764 Fax: 1855-930-4663
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