Archive for the ‘Events’ Category
Спасибо Вам, мои дорогие Клиенты! Отличный получился вечер!
Friday, November 20th, 2015
Спасибо всем моим друзьям и клиентам за прекрасно проведенный вечер в теплой атмосфере!
Жду вас всех на следующий год опять! Вы конечно же получите частное приглашение !
Хорошего 2016 года впереди!
День святого Валентина в русской Школе “Ручеёк”
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
Наш День Святого Валентина в русской школе ручеек прошел на УРА! все детки получили сладкие сувенирчики, а большими победителями и детками, которые получили шанс пойти в Доллараму оказались :
Ваня Зверев
Илюша Лазарев
Никита Копержинский
Фуголь Богдан
Фуголь Алёша (двойное счастье!)
Розыгрыш проводили ученики старшей группы в присутствии дежурной мамы Иры Гудвин и директора школы Натальи Богдан.
Спасибо Ирине Миерзевской , русско-говорящему риэлтору в эдмонтоне за создание в школе небольшого радостного ажиотажика. Всем было страшно интересно узнать, кто выиграет.
Happy New 2015 year from Your REALTOR for Life!
Wednesday, December 31st, 2014Contest – Best pumpkin 2014
Wednesday, October 1st, 2014Конкурс для наших детей и, конечно, родителей на самую лучшую тыкву! Вырежьте тыкву на халлоуин, поставьте ее фото на наш фейсбук или одноклассники получите наибольшее количество “класс” голосов – и вы – победитель!!!! Призом будет подарочный сертификат в мороженную фабрику “marble slab creamery” !!! Торопитесь , конкурс заканчивается 31го октября в 12 часов дня по времени Эдмонтона. Победитель будет объявлен в тот же день! Устанавливайте свои фото в альбом -“лучшая тыква 2014” с вашим именем и возрастом ребенка.
спасибо всем, кто присоединился!!!
Monday, September 22nd, 2014
Спасибо огромное всем родителям, кто присоединился ко мне отметить этот замечательный день в Русской субботней Школе Ручеек г. Эдмонтон! а вот наши официальные Дежурные по школе – Шаннон и Ирина
мы провели незабываемый день! Теперь остается только дружить семьями и поддерживать русскую культуру, язык и традиции в такой далекой и холодной , но любимой уже Канаде!!!
November 11 – Remembrance Day in Canada
Sunday, November 11th, 2012The common British, Canadian, South African, and ANZAC tradition includes either one or two minutes of silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month (11:00 a.m., 11 November), as that marks the time (in the United Kingdom) when the armistice became effective.
The Service of Remembrance in many Commonwealth countries generally includes the sounding of the “Last Post“, followed by the period of silence, followed by the sounding of “The Rouse” (often mistakenly referred to as “Reveille“), and finished by a recitation of the “Ode of Remembrance“. The “Flowers of the Forest“, “O Valiant Hearts“, “I Vow to Thee, My Country” and “Jerusalem” are often played during the service. Services also include wreaths laid to honour the fallen, a blessing, and national anthems.
The central ritual at cenotaphs throughout the Commonwealth is a stylized night vigil. The Last Post was the common bugle call at the close of the military day, and the Rouse was the first call of the morning. For military purposes, the traditional night vigil over the slain was not just to ensure they were indeed dead and not unconscious or in a coma, but also to guard them from being mutilated or despoiled by the enemy, or dragged off by scavengers. This makes the ritual more than just an act of remembrance but also a pledge to guard the honour of war dead. The act is enhanced by the use of dedicated cenotaphs (literally Greek for “empty tomb”) and the laying of wreaths—the traditional means of signalling high honours in ancient Greece and Rome.
In Canada, Remembrance Day is a public holiday and federal statutory holiday, as well as a statutory holiday in all three territories and in eight of the ten provinces (Ontario and Quebec being the exceptions). From 1921 to 1930, the Armistice Day Act provided that Thanksgiving would be observed on Armistice Day, which was fixed by statute on the Monday of the week in which November 11 fell. In 1931, the federal parliament adopted an act to amend the Armistice Day Act, providing that the day should be observed on November 11 and that the day should be known as “Remembrance Day”
In rememberance, this article is being published on 11 month(nov), 11th day, at 11h 11min.
2nd Annual National ‘Fill A Truck’ Event to be Held May 19
Tuesday, May 1st, 2012Clothesline® program holding clothing and electronics collection event with goal of collecting 1 million kilograms in donations
TORONTO, ONTARIO (April 24, 2012) – The days are longer, the grass is greener—and spring cleaning season is upon us! This spring, support the Clothesline® program by donating your gently used clothing and small electronics to help reach a goal of collecting one million kilograms of donated items across Canada. The second annual ‘Fill A Truck’ event will take place nationwide in 70 communities on Saturday, May 19 and every donation qualifies you to win. Visit to find an event near you and for full contest rules and regulations. All net proceeds raised by the Clothesline® program directly support the Canadian Diabetes Association and their leading-edge diabetes research, education and advocacy efforts.
Donating to Clothesline® not only helps the more than nine million Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes, but also helps our environment by diverting materials that may otherwise end up in landfills.
If unable to donate on May 19, donors can always schedule a free pick-up right from their front door by visiting or by calling the toll-free number 1-800-505-5525. Donors can also drop off a sealed clothing and cloth-based donation at any one of our 1,875 red Clothesline® donation bins located across Canada (visit to locate your nearest donation bin). Clothesline® happily accepts reusable clothing, all cloth-based items, shoes, boots, books, jewelry, toys, cell phones, cameras, laptops and much more (all electronic items should be sealed in a separate plastic bag).
“We are very proud to celebrate more than 27 years of service in communities across Canada as well as supporting the millions of Canadians living with diabetes or prediabetes,” says Janelle Robertson, Vice President, Clothesline®.
About Clothesline®
Each year, Clothesline® diverts more than 46 million kilograms of clothing and household items from our landfills. This translates into a savings of 840 million kWh of energy and reduces our donors’ carbon footprint by 115 million kilograms of CO2 emissions. This energy savings is equivalent to planting 8.2 million trees!
About the Canadian Diabetes Association
The Canadian Diabetes Association is a registered charitable organization, leading the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while we work to find a cure. Our professional staff and more than 20,000 volunteers provide education and services to help people in their daily fight against the disease, advocate on behalf of people with diabetes for the opportunity to achieve their highest quality of life, and break ground towards a cure. Please visit, join us on, follow us on Twitter @DiabetesAssoc, or call 1-800-BANTING (226-8464).